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  1. Oh please…..do your homework on first Amendment. Quite whining about something you don’t fully understand. The first Amendment (freedom of speech) are only protect you from the “Government” not private business. Do you know the companies who fired the rioters (or I will like to call Domestic Terrorist) are mostly “private” business? Same as twitter, Facebook and google. They are all operated by private citizen and not in control of the “GOVERNMENT”.

    1. 這位來賓在節目第18分鐘就已經有說明私人公司沒有這個規則…. 您似乎是沒有聽到?斷章取義 這樣對來賓不公平。

  2. 白登是不是邀请了台湾驻美代表萧美琴出席就职典礼,要看看萧美琴是不是敢亮出那张出席的礼劵。因为只要出钱,也可以在旅游团买到这种礼劵的,出钱的多少,就安排坐在离典礼台距离多远。而萧美琴那张照片,她不但离典礼台至少200公尺远,而且是在一堵墙之外,这就令人称奇。如果是白登邀请她,她会站得那么老远而且在一堵墙之外吗?

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