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1.0 英語俚語

Turn the Table – 反敗爲勝,轉弱為強,轉佔上風


Schwarzenegger turns tables on Trump and ridicules approval ratings and budget cuts

(阿諾之所以“反唇相譏”,是因爲總統指責他主持川普的電視節目The Apprentice 把收視率搞砸了)

“turn the tables (on someone)” 和“桌子”沒什麼關係, 它的意思是:反敗為勝,轉弱為強,轉而佔上風 (to suddenly take a position of strength or advantage that was formerly held by someone else )。


1)“She played badly in the first set, but then she turned the tables on her opponent and won the match. ” 第一輪她打得不好。但後來她力挽狂瀾,戰勝對手。

2)“Glenn asked Sogo hard questions in the first segment, but Sogo soon turned the tables on Glenn in the following segment.”老包在第一節的時候問了Sogo很多難回答的問題,但Sogo在接下來的單元中讓老包節節敗退。

3)“The president turned the tables on the media when he found out the false report.” 當總統發現媒體的報導有誤的時候,他不依不饒地指責他們。

4)“Sogo used to be a hen-pecked man, but now the tables are turned.” Sogo 以前很怕老婆的,但現在可今非昔比了。

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