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Smoking Gun – 確切的證據

前段時間,美國媒體指控川普總統涉嫌阻礙司法。因爲有消息說,他讓聯邦調查局局長Comey不要再調查前國家安全顧問Michael Flynn和俄羅斯的關係。


Is This the Smoking Gun?

Comey wrote a memo following a February 14 meeting with Trump. If true, that is almost the textbook definition of obstruction of justice, a charge that could well lead to impeachment proceedings. 柯米在2月14日會見川普之後寫了備忘錄。如果屬實的話,(總統的行爲)就是最典型阻礙司法,可以導致對總統的彈劾。

Smoking Gun 不是“煙槍”的意思,也不是“用槍抽煙”。這個俗語的意思是:確切的證據,確鑿的證據。直譯就是:冒煙的槍。

我們知道,剛剛打完子彈的槍會冒煙,所以構成確切的證據。(a piece of incontrovertible incriminating evidence.)


1) This receipt is the smoking gun that proves that he was the buyer.這張收據足以證明他就是那個買主。

2) The investigation has not produced a smoking gun.調查還沒有找到充分的證據。

3) Sogo suspected Lao Bao deleted his recording, but he couldn’t find the smoking gun. Sogo 懷疑老包刪掉了他的錄音,但又找不到證據。


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